So far today I have: re-shelved the books in my bedroom which he took down yesterday - while George emptied the contents of my bedside cabinet over the floor; cleared up the dirty clothes from his bedroom floor - while he pulled out a drawer of clean clothes from the wardrobe and tipped it out; put away the clean clothes - while George grabbed everything from on top of the chest of drawers and put them (you guessed it!) on the floor; retrieved all those items - while George liberated the soft toys from their suitcase; spent 20 minutes on hold to the courier company about the delivery of the stair gates - while George climbed the stairs all the way from the bottom to the top; made breakfast for us both - while he opened the saucepan cupboard and carefully selected the most fragile item to remove and bang on the tiled floor; wrapped the almost final Christmas presents while George emptied the contents of two bins in a very wide arc across the lounge floor; fed him to sleep and carried him upstairs in that state, only to have him wake up when he touched the mattress of his cot; and now walked around the block in the freezing cold to get him back to sleep again.
Now I am going to try to pick up some of the mess and iron some clothes for him to wear for nursery and for bed tonight, before he wakes up!
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