Saturday, 15 December 2007

First Christmas Party

This afternoon we all (Mummy, Daddy and George) went to a get-together of the local NCT Tea Group. George and I used to be regulars but haven't made it there for a while because of being away, and working, so it was nice to see all the other babies (and mothers) again. For me it is a useful guide to development because George is younger than some of the babies and older than others - and I try not to put too much pressure on him to keep up with the more advanced ones!

George ate a sausage roll and a couple of cheese sandwiches, and came home with a little christmas spinning top and a balloon (a proper helium-filled one). I wonder if he gets an extra special wish when he eats his first ever mince pie, not just the first of the season?

In the evening we had people over for dinner, and George was forced to entertain in his bedroom before settling down to sleep. All the books warn against that sort of thing, but he was very charming, giggling and generally being cute - and went to sleep beautifully when everyone disappeared downstairs.

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