Our first weekend at home for ages, so we went out and about in London. (George is now thoroughly confused about where London is because he knows we live in London, but we also sometimes "go to" London. So he thinks there are at least two places called London.)
We went to a proper West End Theatre to see "Room on the Broom". George sat still and watched it relatively quietly - it was an entertaining production (although Daddy wasn't impressed).
We had lunch at the Tokyo Diner where George was disappointed to discover that not all sushi is Yo! Sushi, but still managed to wolf down everyone's raw salmon. Then we got soaking wet in a summer downpour, before heading back on the train to the tune of "Underground Ernie".
There was more Underground Ernie the next day when we visited the Transport Museum. We also had an American-style breakfast and paid a visit to Hamleys.
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