We have been hard at work in the kitchen this week, cooking up some Easter treats (I had thought it would be less messy than making cards for everyone - how wrong can you be!?)

On Monday we made yummy Easter Nests. It started off badly when George saw the large bowl full of chocolate but was told that he couldn't eat any of it - and promptly burst into tears! He made a good recovery though, and enjoyed smashing up the Shredded Wheat, and managed to get more mini eggs into the nests than into his mouth, but only just.
By lunchtime today all the Nests were gone, so we set about making Easter Biscuits, coloured red, green and sort of yellow, filled with all sorts of sprinkly things, and cut into the shapes of rabbits, eggs, tulips, chicks and more rabbits. I think I have made them sound nicer than they look, but it's the thought that counts, and they taste okay (apart from the ones which were on the edges and got a bit burnt).
George is getting pretty good in the kitchen. He likes to supervise the making of toast in the morning, and spread the butter on himself. He wanted to do the jam as well, but then I realised he was just digging into the jar and then eating the jam directly from the knife, so I put a stop to that. He knows how to break eggs and stir them up for scrambling, he can grease a baking tray, and he loves to work the food processor. Long may it continue!

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