Today's new word is "goggles" - courtesy of swimming this morning (or "wimmin" as it is known).
And the favourite phrase at the moment is "Last One" - as in, I want another one, and I know that sometimes when you give in to me you say that so I am hoping if I say it, you will give me what I want. (Offering a hug works sometimes too).
He can also now say Thomas (after a fashion), and Upsy Daisy has progressed from just Yay-yah to Upsy Yay-yah. This morning Bob acquired his job title - the Builder.
Coming in recently are adjectives, like dirty and heavy and nice. And I continue to be amazed at how he deals with plurals and possessives - I thought it would be one of the last things to be learnt, but it seems to have happened straight away. Very impressive!