Saturday, 17 January 2009

Yo! Sushi

We took a trip into town today, with no particular purpose in mind, so we ended up with our usual stroll along the South Bank. George wasn't very impressed by Tate Modern, especially now they have filled in the crack, and it was a bit too chilly to stay out for very long.

But the trip was made worthwhile by a visit to Yo! Sushi with 40% off. It's not quite George's first sushi experience, but last time he was really quite small and just about nibbled on a few beans. This time he enjoyed all sorts of goodies - especially our favourite katsu pumpkin and the custard-filled pancakes. He was very well-behaved around the belt and resisted the temptation to sweep it all to the floor, and amused himself instead by watching the chef in front of us cutting up a very large piece of salmon, and doing the sign for "fish".

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