Thursday, 17 July 2008

Should I Suck or Should I Blow?

In other developments this week, George has finally got the hang of using a straw - and downed a bottle of J2O in a matter of minutes. He does still sometimes try to tip up the container, but I think that is more absent-mindedness than anything.

He hasn't yet worked out how to blow, though, which is frustrating his desire to make bubbles by himself instead of having to force mummy and daddy to do it endlessly. He knows it's something to do with your mouth, so he purses his lips in the general direction of the wand, but can't then understand why no bubbles are forthcoming.

And I must also mention here his swimming - I bought a floatation jacket for him to use in the pool on holiday and he has really got on well with it. He still has to work out the finer details of balance but it has done what I thought it might, and given him the idea that kicking his legs isn't just something you should do to please your mother, but it actually takes you to places you want to be.

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