Tuesday 1 January 2008

Fireworks? What Fireworks?

Last night we went to a friend's house to see in the New Year - the same friend who aided in my escape from hospital this time last year when they wanted to keep me in because my waters had broken and my blood pressure was high. I think this will always be a slightly odd time of year for me, reminding me of George's protracted arrival.

Anyway, George did very well on his first New Year's Eve - he stayed awake and charming until about 9pm then slept through all the fireworks at midnight and only woke up briefly just before everyone came back from the park where they had been watching the displays across London. We got home at about 1.45am (after a surprisingly busy drive across south London) and I fed George before putting him in his cot. He woke up a couple of times, but we did manage to achieve a massive lie-in until about 9.15am - which I think is the latest I have been able to stay in bed for over a year!

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