George isn't really speaking yet - unless you count "lurdle-lurdle" as a word. He does say "Daddy" but pretty randomly, to refer to any number of unconnected things.
He does, however, understand plenty of what we say, and when he chooses to can follow quite complicated instructions - my favourite is getting him to take his dirty nappy to the bin.
And he has started to communicate using sign language. I have been signing to him for a while now, and he has used the sign for milk pretty regularly - to mean solid food as well as milk. But a couple of months ago he got the hang of "food" and shortly after that added "bird" to his repertoire. The odd thing is that I have been signing "dog" and "duck" for much longer and much more regularly but he seems to be ignoring those.
Today he added a new sign to his repertoire - "book". I only signed it to him for the first time a couple of days ago. He hasn't quite got it perfect, but it is near enough to make him understood and we were both very excited by it.
We are now working on "aeroplane" - his latest obsession - and continue to persevere with "dog" and "cat". And I must try to find out what "bee" is because we have seen quite a few of those in our garden recently.