As part of our ongoing campaign to have a clean and tidy house at least once a week, this morning I took George out for a few hours so that David could do the aforementioned cleaning and tidying.
We ventured into the local "One o'clock Club" for their saturday morning session of messy play - supposedly for dads, but of course still mostly full of mums. George made a half-hearted attempt at colouring in a dragon in honour of the Chinese New Year, but was more interested in trying to get hold of the tubes of sparkly glue which the older children were using. There was a corner for babies though (complete with mini ball pool) so we made the most of that, and read a few books, and I think he had a good time. Bizarrely they also have a child-sized telephone box, of the old-fashioned red sort, which was a big hit with all the kids. Many of them were rather bemused by little George crawling in under their feet and stealing the phone from them.
On the way home we stopped briefly in the playground, where I was pleased to note that George's early exposure to swings doesn't seem to have put him off them.